Protecting Your Privacy
ASTTBC safeguards all information provided to the organization by applicants and registrants. This information is confidential except as required by law.
Details that are solely related to determining certification level (eg. educational qualifications, employment history, references) will be used for internal administrative purposes and assessment of qualifications.
ASTTBC uses contact information to send registrants information that, in our opinion, could be beneficial to a significant portion of ASTTBC registrants (e.g. professional practice, recognition, careers and group services for members). ASTTBC does not sell or trade the mailing list of registrants.
ASTTBC posts to our web site registrant information that in past years was published in our annual directory.
As a registrant you may choose to opt out of receiving information from ASTTBC, except that information directly relating to your registration. Examples would be your Annual Invoice, Notice of the Annual General Meeting or other information directly relating to your certification and responsibilities under the Professional Governance Act (PGA). Opting out may require you to proactively visit the ASTTBC website.
If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail:
Applied Science Technologists & Technicians
of British Columbia
10767 – 148th Street
Surrey, B.C. V3R 0S4
Tel (604) 585-2788
Fax (604) 585-2790